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6 Compelling Reasons to Ditch Spreadsheets

for Automated Product Inspection Data Analysis

Spreadsheets are a common staple in many businesses. They're readily accessible, easy to use, and can organize and analyze data in a variety of ways. However, there are quite a few reasons why when it comes to collecting and analyzing product inspection data, spreadsheets just don't cut it.

Below we’ve listed six compelling reasons food manufacturers should switch away from spreadsheets in favor of automated, real-time collection and analysis of product inspection data.

Six compelling reasons to ditch spreadsheets for QMS software
Six compelling reasons to ditch spreadsheets for QMS software
  1. Real-Time Data Collection and Analysis: Spreadsheets require manual input of data, which can lead to delays and errors. Automated data collection and analysis allows for real-time tracking of product inspection data, giving you a more accurate and up-to-date picture of your products and production processes.
  2. Increased Efficiency: Automated data collection and analysis can save a significant amount of time and resources. Instead of manually inputting data into spreadsheets, you can focus on other tasks, such as analyzing and interpreting the data.
  3. Improved Accuracy: Automated data collection and analysis can help minimize human error. Spreadsheets are prone to data entry errors, which can lead to inaccurate or inconsistent results. Automated data collection and analysis can help ensure that the data is accurate and reliable.
  4. Better Scalability: Automated data collection and analysis can handle a lot more data than spreadsheets. As your business grows and your product inspection data expands, you’ll need a solution that can scale with your needs. Automated data collection and analysis software can handle large quantities of data without the need for manual input, which saves you time and resources.
  5. Greater Flexibility: Automated data collection and analysis can be customized to fit your specific needs. With spreadsheets, you are limited to the functions and features that the program offers. On the other hand, automated data collection and analysis software can be tailored to your specific requirements, giving you more flexibility and control over your data.
  6. Improved Collaboration: Spreadsheets aren’t always easy for multiple people to collaborate on. Automated data collection and analysis allows for real-time collaboration and sharing of data, making it easier for teams to work together and make decisions based on the same, up-to-date information.



If you're still using spreadsheets for your product inspection data, it may be time to consider switching to an automated solution.

The Product Inspection division of METTLER TOLEDO provides automated inspection technology solutions comply with industry food safety standards and regulations. Every day we engage with clients who want to reduce costs and increase productivity. Using ProdX data management software we show how easy it is to reduce those manual processes.

ProdX QMS Software for product inspection
ProdX QMS Software for product inspection