• Stray light (aqueous KCl solutio"> 立博体育官网(中国)科技有限公司
  • Performance verification CertiRef EUP

    Trust Your Results.Automated performance verification tests compliant with EU Pharmacopeia for resolution, photometric and wavelength accuracy as well as stray light. Comprehensive report documents are automatically generated.

    Regulatory compliance

    Automated verfication tests compliant to EU Pharmacopeia including photometric and wavelength accuracy as well as resolution and stray light.

    Error-free Evaluation

    All nominal data required for evaluation are electronically stored on the CertiRef™ module and are automatically compared to the test results.

    Automatic Report Generation

    A detailed report is generated, including evaluation and comparison with test acceptance criteria as required by Pharmacopeia.

    Material No.: 30254732

    Call for Quote
    Specifications - Performance verification CertiRef EUP
    Performance tests
    Photometric Accuracy
    Stray Light Ph. Eur.
    Wavelength Accuracy
    Photometric drift
    Photometric noise
    Wavelength Repeatability
    Photometric repeatability
    Number of CRMs

    Easy to install and use

    The Plug & Play CertiRef module is easily installed in seconds, and can remain mounted on the instrument during

    Trustworthy Performance Verification

    The CertiRef module includes NIST traceable certified reference materials (CRMs) in sealed cuvettes for long-term use.




    Get Your Quote
    Performance verification CertiRef EUP