Программное обеспечение для розничных магазинов

Программное обеспечение для розничных магазинов

Программное обеспечение для управления торговыми весами

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Fresh Gate Retail Software

Fresh Gate

Fresh Gate is the powerful solution for connecting your scales and prepackaging equipment to your IT infrastructure – for guaranteed data consistency and uniform master data at all times.
Uniform Data Records
Data consistency by converting all information sent and received by scales into uniform data records
Simple Integration
Supports all scales of the UC3 Line, UC Evo Line, bC Line, FreshWay, FreshBase and Etica prepackaging system product ranges from METTLER TOLEDO
High Performance
Easy to integrate into established retail platforms
Fresh Gate Retail Software

Fresh Gate is the powerful solution for connecting your scales and prepackaging equipment to your IT infrastructure – for guaranteed data consistency and uniform master data at all times.


Каталог продукции: взвешивание в розничной торговле
Брошюра о системах взвешивания для розничной торговли
Брошюра о решениях для розничной торговли