
Laboratory Balance and Scale Q&A Guide


Providing Balances and Scale Service Solutions for the Entire Product Lifecycle

Laboratory Balance and Scale Q&A Guide - from Selection to Routine Testing
Laboratory Balance and Scale Q&A Guide - from Selection to Routine Testing

Have you ever wondered what these buzzwords mean?

  • Resolution
  • Readability
  • Accuracy
  • Safety factor
  • Minimum weight
  • Tolerances

Or why a professional installation and qualification, preventive maintenance or calibration matter?

Over the years, METTLER TOLEDO weighing experts, sales representatives and maintenance technicians around the world have been asked many questions like this and we have put together a selection of the most commonly asked questions in our Laboratory Balance and Scale Q&A Guide.

The Q&A guide is structured according to the life cycle stages (listed below), providing you with you with answers about balance and scale services and a weighing term glossary.

If you don’t find the question - or answer - you need, your local weighing experts are always on hand.

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Laboratory Balance and Scale Q&A Guide - from Selection to Routine Testing

Evaluation - Correct assessment of your process and business needs

  • Why are there such price differences in the balance market?
  • What are the most important balance features?
  • Can life cycle management save me money? 

Selection - Identification of the balance/scale best suited to the weighing process

  • Is what you see, what you get?
  • What is the difference between a balance and a scale?
  • What do all the different types of ranges mean? 
  • Is a mass comparator just a “High-End” balance?
  • What can I use a mass comparator for? 

Installation - Professional setting up to ensure best and correct performance

  • Can I install my new balance myself?
  • Where is the best place to put my balance?
  • What is equipment qualification?
  • What is the best way to train new employees? 

Calibration - Ensures accurate and reliable results

  • What is calibration?
  • Why do I need to calibrate my balance?
  • How often should I calibrate my balance?
  • What are the risks if I don’t calibrate my balance?
  • My scale is legally verified, is there still a need to calibrate?
  • My balance has built-in test weights, do I still need to calibrate?
  • What do all the different types of tolerances mean?
  • What is measurement uncertainty?
  • Why is knowing the minimum weight no longer sufficient?
  • What is the difference between accuracy, precision and trueness?
  • How can I be sure my smallest samples are accurate?
  • What does accuracy mean?
  • What is the definition of minimum weight?
  • Does measurement uncertainty matter?
  • What is the safety factor and why is it important?
  • What does operating range mean?
  • What kind of “report” says I tested my scale adequately? 

Routine Testing - Daily processes to ensure ongoing accuracy

  • Routine operation: The essentials in brief.
  • How can I ensure accurate results over time?
  • What are the risks when contracting a third party for service?
  • How to choose the right service provider?
  • What would a perfect test plan look like?
  • What balance test can I perform myself?
  • How do we have to handle and clean our test weights?
  • Is regular preventive maintenance worth the investment?
  • Does my calibration service provider have to be accredited?
  • What is the right approach in terms of preventive maintenance?
  • What are typical maintenance activities?
  • What would a SOP for balance cleaning look like?
  • What is covered by warranty?