
SOLAS Regulations: A Guide to Compliance


Simple methods for container weighing

SOLAS Regulations: A Guide to Compliance
SOLAS Regulations: A Guide to Compliance

SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) regulations serve to ensure the safety of shipping vessels and their crews at sea. Do you know if your company is operating within compliance? Our free guide provides an overview of key SOLAS topics, including:

  • What is SOLAS?
  • Compliance with Method 1
  • Compliance with Method 2
  • Weigh-in-motion technology
  • Services to maintain compliance

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Guidance for Ports and Terminals
Guidance for NVOCC, 3PL Shippers, Forwarders
Guidance for Manufacturers and Shippers
Weigh-in-Motion Technology
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What is SOLAS?

SOLAS is an international maritime safety treaty from the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the maritime arm of the United Nations. It regulates safety of life at sea, which includes any ocean-going vessels.

SOLAS Logistics Chain Infographic

Why were these guidelines created?

Declaration of shipping weights has been required for a long time. Verification of shipping weights has not. Verification is now mandatory because mis declared weights have caused unsafe conditions at sea for vessels and crew.

Who is responsible for compliance?

Anyone listed on the bill of lading as the shipper will ultimately be responsible for providing the verified gross weight. That may be the shipper of original origin, or it can be a non-vessel operating common carrier (NVOCC) or freight forwarder.

Who enforces these guidelines?

In general, the enforcement is the responsibility of the maritime organization of each country. If non-compliant, the containers shall not be loaded on the vessel, according to the rule. Both the terminal and the shipper can be held responsible.

How do you comply?

With method 1, you must weigh the entire container, contents and packing. Method 2 requires you to weigh contents separately, adding the packing material and the container tare weight to compute the declared weight.

Legal Tolerances Infographic

How can METTLER TOLEDO help?

METTLER TOLEDO is the world's largest manufacturer of weighing equipment and your trusted partner for compliance with SOLAS convention guidelines. Our long-lasting scales and systems are ready to deploy immediately anywhere along the logistics chain.