Quality Control in Production

Stable Processes & Error-free Products

To manufacture high-quality products or parts, regular quality control is essential to ensure that production parameters are within specified limits. If checked too late in the process, an entire lot could fail to meet the specification. With METTLER TOLEDO solutions, you can check parts quality in- or off-line and even statistically monitor the results.

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Quality Control in Production
Quality Control in Production

Ensure high quality and customer satisfaction
To maintain high product quality, you must know about production errors, such as small deviations in assembling, cavities in castings or damage to coatings. Static over/under checkweighing scales deliver those results reliably. Operators benefit from intuitive user interfaces with colored displays (colorWeight®), which immediately indicate when products are out of spec.

Quality Control in Production
Quality Control in Production

Automated weight-based quality control
Check quality quickly and reliably by measuring weight before and after each production step. Automatic in-process control solutions detect violations of weight tolerances as small as 0.001% and control even complexshaped parts in split seconds. The newest high-speed weigh modules integrated into your production machines instantly deliver 100% product inspection.

Quality Control in Production
Quality Control in Production

Monitored and fully documented quality
Reduce waste and the amount of raw materials used in production through Statistical Quality Control. Our networked quality control software monitors and analyzes real-time quality parameters, such as weight, density or wall thickness. Alarms, statistics and reports allow for immediate process optimization and full documentation for traceability.

Products and Solutions

WMS Line
High-precision Weigh Module

Accurate and reliable testing during automated production.
Efficient in-process control demands simple electrical and mechanical integration. WMS weigh modules feature a high-speed interface on your control system with 92 weight values per second. The transmitted data can be converted to all common fieldbus systems. The proven ruggedness guarantees prolonged reliable operation to 0.1 mg readability

Quality Control in Production
Quality Control in Production