Most comprehensive handbook for the design and application of load cells and weigh modules available! The Weigh Module Systems Handbook is for the engineering, operations, or integration specialist that wants the most complete library of information regarding the application and use of load cells and weigh modules"> 立博体育官网(中国)科技有限公司

Free Tank Weighing Design Handbook for Engineers

Most comprehensive handbook for the design and application of load cells and weigh modules available! The Weigh Module Systems Handbook is for the engineering, operations, or integration specialist that wants the most complete library of information regarding the application and use of load cells and weigh modules. The Handbook is written in English language.

Tank Weighing Design Handbook

Over 150 fact-filled pages including:
  • Engineering design calculations for wind, seismic, shock, and thermal effects.
  • Determining system performance and setting performance specification criteria.
  • Piping-connection designs and calculations.
  • Design qualification guidelines for structural, electrical, and mechanical considerations.
  • Complete set of engineering specifications for compression, tension, static, and dynamic loading applications.
  • Calibration, Verification, and Service -- what you need to know to ensure long term performance and up time.
  • Chemical Resistance Chart for over 30 types of steels, composites, and finishes compared to over 400 different chemicals, solvents and materials...PLUS more than 10 other useful appendices.