Flash DSC – A Novel Innovation in Chip-Based Calorimetry

Online Seminar on Chip-Based Calorimetry


Flash DSC by Mettler Toledo Revolutionizes Chip-Based Calorimetry through Its Wide Range of Heating and Cooling Rates

Flash Differential Scanning Calorimetry (Flash DSC) – online training course

Flash Differential Scanning Calorimetry (Flash DSC) – online training course
In this Flash DSC tutorial, we provide information on how chip calorimetry can be used in research and academia.

This tutorial demonstrates, using real application examples, the advantages of complementing conventional DSC with a Flash DSC 1, utilizing MEMS chip sensor technology that permits extremely high heating and cooling rates.

Flash DSC offers:

  • Ultra-high cooling rates, which enable processes involving structure formation on cooling to be measured
  • Ultra-high heating rates that reduce measurement times, and can be used to investigate reorganization processes or to prevent reorganization from occurring
  • Relatively low heating rates, which enables experimental results to be directly compared with conventional DSC
  • A very wide temperature range from –95 to 450 degrees Celsius
  • Easy and rapid sample preparation


Visit us for more information on Flash DSC (chip calorimeter) and other thermal analysis solutions, as well as promotions, webinars, trainings, applications and handbooks

In addition to Flash DSC, we also offer tutorials on these thermal analysis techniques: