ATEX Environment,Imaging,Backscattered images transmission images with use of RE Window,Illumination,Internal light source: Standard: 6 lasers
RE-Window: 8 total lasers,Field of View,1075μm x825μm,Resolution,2 to"> 立博体育官网(中国)科技有限公司

PVM V825 Ex Technology - منتج متوقف

Inline Particle Microscope for Process Environments

PVM enables scientists and engineers to view and save real-time microscope-quality images of the crystals, particles and droplets as they naturally exist in process - at full process concentration.

PVM V825 is designed for R&D and process monitoring at any scale, facilitating faster investigation, understanding and monitoring of particle and droplet systems within virtually all industrial working environments. Principle features of the PVM V825 include:

  • Identical microscope quality resolution as the gold standard PVM V819 probe-based microscope (2 µm and above)
  • Robust and rugged 25 mm diameter probe design for 24/7/365 operation in industrial environments
  • High pressure versions (to 150 bar) are also available

Particle Vision and Measurement (PVM) is a probe-based vision tool that provides immediate, critical insight into crystal, particle, and droplet systems. PVM enables chemists and engineers to instantly detect and understand process changes and gain confidence in optimized process efficiency that could otherwise take months using traditional techniques. This allows for better control of particles or droplets in the process environment.

  • Visualize and Understand Particles and Droplets - By capturing thousands of images per experiment without the need for sampling, PVM helps to immediately visualize changes to particles and droplets and gain early insight into process challenges.
  • Identify and Troubleshoot Process Changes or Upsets - PVM images quickly identify changes in fines, oil formation, shape/morphology, or agglomeration. Users can screen experimental parameters, gain early determination of process scalability and ensure product quality.
  • High Resolution Images - PVM provides microscope quality images in real time to characterize particle systems from 2μm to 1mm at full process concentrations.

Discontinued since: Mar, 2014

طلب أسعار

حل محله: ParticleView V19

View Inline Particle Size and Shape in Real Time With In Situ PVM images

ParticleView V19 with PVM (Particle Vision and Measurement) technology is a probe-based video microscope that visualizes particles and particle mechanisms as they exist in process.  High resolution images are continuously captured under a wide range of process conditions without the need for sampling or offline analysis. A process trend, sensitive to changes in particle size and concentration, is automatically combined with the most relevant images, providing scientists with a straightforward and reliable method to ensure comprehensive understanding is acquired with every experiment.

  • Study Particle Size and Shape - High resolution imaging of particles in real time enables scientists to determine the influence of process parameters on particle size and shape.  Particles can be designed to behave predictably as key parameters change during development, scale-up and manufacturing.
  • Characterize Transient Events and Elusive Mechanisms - Particles and particle structures often change when sampled.  By visualizing crystals, droplets and other delicate particle structures inline, scientists can characterize transient events and elusive mechanisms that may be critical for optimizing the quality of a product or process.
  • Investigate Critical Process Events and Upsets - An image-based trend, sensitive to changing particle size, shape and concentration, helps scientists identify and then investigate important process events and upsets.  The fast and reliable method reduces the time and effort needed to fully understand complex particle systems and processes.
  • Make Evidence-Based Decisions At a Lower Cost - By visualizing particles and particle mechanisms inline, scientists acquire knowledge that would otherwise prove too difficult or time consuming to obtain.  Such knowledge supports evidence-based decision making and process development at a lower cost.

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