Calibration Substances

Melting Point Reference Standards to Verify Instrument Accuracy

Reference standards are substances that enable accurate temperature calibration and adjustment of melting point and dropping point instruments. Each high-purity METTLER TOLEDO calibration substance comes with temperature values that are traceable to primary standards. Calibration substances are provided in the range of 40 – 360 °C and are available as standard or USP reference standards.

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What are the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) requirements for USP reference substances?

USP specifies that the measured melting range must

a) Lie within the specified minimum and maximum temperatures (e.g. 81–83 °C for vanillin), and
b) Not be broader than the specified admissible values (e.g. 1.5 °C for vanillin).

So, the permitted measured melting range for vanillin could be 81.0–82.5, 81.3–82.8 °C etc.