Hydrochloric Acid Color determination Using UV Vis Spectroscopy

Color Determination of Hydrochloric Acid Using UV Vis Spectroscopy

Quick Quality Check of the Reagent to Match the Regulatory Standards

This application note provides a method for the color determination of a hydrochloric acid solution using METTLER TOLEDO's EasyPlus UV/VIS spectrophotometer.

Why Is Color Determination of Hydrochloric Acid Important? 

Hydrochloric acid is an extensively used reagent in many industries. As per the committee on analytical reagent of the American Chemical Society, hydrochloric acid has to match certain specifications to be used as an analytical grade. ASTM E224 has specified testing the quality of hydrochloric acid based on its color. Hence, the color determination becomes important. 


How Is the Color of Hydrochloric Acid Determined?

In this application note, a known amount of ferric ion is added to hydrochloric acid to give it color, which is determined at 425 nm using a METTLER TOLEDO EasyPlus UV/VIS spectrophotometer. The absorbance intensity is used for the color quantification of hydrochloric acid. 

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