DSO150T Monorail Scale

The reliable solution when small space is required

For a weighing capacity of 150 kg or 300 kg, a strain gauge weighing cell is used for weight determination. Rail lengths of 200, 300 or 400 mm are available to carry the animal carcasses. DSO scales can be easily integrated regardless of the type of rail system used, as both versions have a "rail insert support including 2 "rail" and a "universal adaption plate". They are installed above the mounting support. The analog overhead rail scales can be operated with a certifiable resolution of 50 g for a weighing capacity of 150 kg and 100 g for a weighing capacity of 300 kg.
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Технические характеристики - DSO150T Monorail Scale
{searchattributeslabels/searchCapacityMetricLabel} 150 {unitsofmeasurementlabels/kg}
{searchattributeslabels/searchReadabilityMetricLabel} 10 {unitsofmeasurementlabels/g}
{searchattributeslabels/searchReadabilityApprovedMetricLabel} 50 {unitsofmeasurementlabels/g}
Размеры 200, 300, 400 mm tube
Материал весов galvanized
Степень защиты IP65
Совместимые индикаторы / терминалы Spider, Spider S; ID-indicators analog,...
Номер 22010090
Название DSO,DSO150T,DSO300T


Installation Instructions


Оформление запроса
DSO150T Monorail Scale