Automated Sampling for Chemical Reactions

Increase productivity

Increase Productivity

Preprogram the unattended collection of precision samples, day or night to ensure high-quality samples are captured even if you are too busy to be in the lab.

never miss a reaction event

Never Miss a Reaction Event

Automated and unattended sampling helps you thoroughly understand and define reaction pathways, kinetics, impurity profiles, and endpoints.

EasySampler representative and reproducible

Representative and Reproducible

Sample and quench at reaction conditions—even when manual sampling is impossible or very difficult due to challenging conditions.

EasySampler—Critical for Data Rich Experimentation

automated sampling system for bioreactor

Inline, Continuous Sampling

EasySampler's unique, probe-based technology allows you to sample uninterrupted throughout the duration of the experiment.

hplc autoosampler

Ready for Critical Offline Analytics

Plan and execute sample, quench, and dilution sequences directly on the touchscreen or in iControl for accurate, reproducible samples.

chemical reaction sampling tools

Supports Reaction Understanding

Combine information on reaction progression and impurity formation with critical process parameters to support QbD initiatives.

What is an automated reactor sampling system and how does it work?

automated reactor sampling system

automated reactor sampling system
automated reactor sampling system

EasySampler combines three sampling steps into a single automated operation, sampling the same way, every time to provide reproducible and accurate samples.

  • Accurate sampling starts when the micro-pocket moves out and is immersed within the reaction mixture to ensure a representative sample is taken
  • In-situ quench immediately stops the reaction and ensures the time point is representative
  • Subsequent dilution and dispensing in the vial prepare samples for offline analysis  

These steps allow samples to be highly reproducible and provide representative analytical results. Above all, automated samples can be taken at preprogrammed or scheduled times. 

What is the temperature range of the EasySampler probe?

At atmospheric pressure, EasySampler probes are rated for temperatures in the range of -20 to 140 °C. It is recommended to change sleeves after 100 samples within this temperature range, at atmospheric pressure. For reactions at elevated pressures, between 1.013 bar and 10 bar, the temperature range is 20 to 100 °C. 

Why should I automate my sampling of chemical reactions?

Sampling chemical reactions for offline analysis to determine reaction progress or impurity profiles is standard practice. However, the manual sampling process is challenging because it requires physical presence and experience, especially with air-sensitive reactions, reactions at elevated pressure, or studies with heterogeneous mixtures.

Benefits from automating manual sampling include:

  • Increased sample-to-sample representativeness and overall quality of data
  • Increased productivity by freeing scientists from time-consuming work
  • Increased efficiency by capturing more data from a single experiment and fewer repetitions
  • Increased understanding of complete and comprehensive datasets spanning over multiple hours/days
  • Sample at fixed time intervals or upon reaction events like reaching temperature setpoint or pH

Automate your sampling today with EasySampler.

I have a reactor from another vendor; can I use EasySampler with this reactor?

Yes, EasySampler can function as a stand-alone device and can be used in any reactor, including tube reactors, round-bottomed flasks, jacked lab reactors (JLR), and automated lab reactors (ALR). Points to consider:

  • All models of EasySampler probes are 9.5 mm in diameter
  • An appropriate adapter should be used to fit the EasySampler probe securely into the reactor port

Can EasySampler be used to sample reactions at elevated pressure?

Yes, EasySampler can sample reactions under pressure if all the following reaction conditions are met: 

  1. Pressure range: 1.013 bar – 10 bar (14.7 psi – 145 psi) 
  2. Temperature range: 20 to 100 °C 
  3. Reactor volume: up to 2500 mL 
  4. Number of samples per sleeve: 1 reaction (with up to 24 samples)
  5. High-pressure adapter: An appropriate high-pressure adapter (P/N14474404) must be used to securely position the EasySampler probe in the reactor

Note: Use of the EasySampler probe at elevated pressure (between 1.013 bar to 10 bar) will reduce the temperature range to 20 °C to 100 °C, the maximum reactor volume to 2500 mL, and the maximum number of samples per sleeve to 1 reaction (with up to 24 samples).

What is the automated sampling process?

The automated sampling process refers to the use of automated systems and equipment to collect samples for analysis in various industries such as pharmaceuticals and chemical manufacturing.

Automated sampling typically involves the use of a sampling system that is designed to obtain representative samples of materials or substances from a process. The sample is then typically transfered to analytical instrument for analysis.

What are the benefits of automated sampling over a manual injection system?

There are several benefits of automated sampling over a manual injection system, including:

  • Improved accuracy 
  • Increased efficiency
  • Consistency
  • Increased safety
  • Cost savings

What is the purpose of automated sampling in reaction modeling?

The purpose of automated sampling in reaction modeling is to obtain data on the reaction progress over time and to analyze the behavior of the reaction under different conditions. Automated sampling systems can be used to collect samples at regular intervals, allowing researchers to monitor the reaction progress and to identify reaction intermediates, products, and byproducts. This information can then be used to develop mathematical models to describe the reaction and to optimize the reaction conditions.

Learn more about chemical reaction modeling.

What are the challenges when sampling slurries?

Slurries are heterogeneous mixtures containing different types and sizes of particles, which can make it difficult to obtain representative samples. The particles in the slurry can cause blockages in the sampling equipment, which can affect the accuracy and representativeness of the sample.

EasySampler allows for selective sampling of the solution phase despite the presence of suspended particles. This autosampler creates an easy-to-use, automated sampling solution for crystallization studies.


autosampling of a slurry solution
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EasySampler Tips and Tricks

EasySampler Tips and Tricks

Tips and tricks for automated sampling, including set-up, probe introduction, data management and sampling for different types of reactions.

Representative Reaction Samples

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Automated Chemical Reaction Sampling

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