Sugar Color Determination Using UV Vis Spectroscopy

Non-destructive, Quick, and Easy Determination Based on ICUMSA Methods

This application note gives a complete solution for determining sugar color using METTLER TOLEDO's EasyPlus UV/VIS spectrophotometer.


Why Is Sugar Color Determination Important?

The color of a sugar solution is an indication of molasses present in it. White sugar is refined from brown sugar and has a low color value, fewer chemicals, and less impurities when compared to brown sugar. Measurement of the color of sugar is important to improve the refining process and maintain its quality. 


How to Determine Sugar Color?

ICUMSA™ methods are the standard methods for the determination of sugar color. According to these methods, the color of a sugar solution is calculated by considering the path length, refractometric dry substance (RDS) measured using a refractometer, and absorbance of the filtered solution measured at 420 nm using a METTLER TOLEDO EasyPlus UV/VIS spectrophotometer.

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