Tiếng Việt
Case Study
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Livestock Feed on the Scale

Case Study
Know How

How does a cow's feed intake affect its methane emissions? AgroVet-Strickhof is an agricultural research center in Zurich dedicated to this and other issues. Weighing platforms from METTLER TOLEDO measure and document the details of each cow’s intake.

Marilyn stands in her spot, leisurely eating the silage mix in front of her. She is one of seven cows in the barn of the Metabolic Center at AgroVet-Strickhof that are currently under observation in a research project to find out if methane production in dairy cows is genetically determined.

The Swiss Braunvieh cows being studied come from farms in eastern and central Switzerland. After they settle in at the Strickhof, the cows then spend about eight days in the science barn of the Metabolic Center (MC). Following this, Marylin and her companions spend two days in so-called respiration chambers. In these rooms, the animals' gas exchange—the oxygen they use and the carbon dioxide and methane they emit—is measured. Once the measurements are completed, the cows go back to their farms again.