Commonly it is assumed that all calibrations for FAA devices are to be made traceable to NIST. However, in a letter to the FAA, NIST states that calibrations, which are traceable to other national standards, are equal to the traceability to NIST under certain circumstances."> 立博体育官网(中国)科技有限公司
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Know How

METTLER TOLEDO Provides Traceability According to FAA

Know How
Commonly it is assumed that all calibrations for FAA devices are to be made traceable to NIST. However, in a letter to the FAA, NIST states that calibrations, which are traceable to other national standards, are equal to the traceability to NIST under certain circumstances.
The accredited LABS of METTLER TOLEDO provide services, which the NIST states are equal to those traceable to NIST.
More information about METTLER TOLEDO’s calibration services.
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