Tiếng Việt

How to Change DMA Driveshaft Clamps


Learn How to Easily Switch between a Bending/Shear and Tension/Compression Driveshaft Clamp

How to change clamps of a DMA

How to change clamps of a DMA
In this video we will demonstrate how to switch from a bending/shear driveshaft clamp to a tension/compression driveshaft clamp.

METTLER TOLEDO's DMA 1 characterizes materials in the most common deformation modes including:

  • Three-point bending
  • Single and dual cantilever
  • Tension
  • Compression
  • Shear

Driveshaft clamps are available for bending/shear and tension/compression modes. This video describes the systematic procedure for changing driveshaft clamps when switching between the different measuring modes.